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Welcome to the Travel Devon Toolkit for businesses

Start your journey to smarter travel choices

We understand that instigating change in the way your workplace operates can be overwhelming but this website has been designed to ensure it’s as easy as possible.

Our goal is to empower you and your workforce to make smarter travel choices. We want to help your organisation become a leading example for your industry and help shape the way businesses manage workplace travel across Devon.

Lady walking on a station platform

Sustainable and active travel have a positive impact on both our environment and the physical and mental well-being of your employees. Encouraging a shift in the way your colleagues travel will benefit your business in the following ways:

  • Enabling and encouraging sustainable and active travel to your site are key elements of establishing a modern workplace culture – essential for recruiting the best talent and ensuring staff retention.
  • A healthy workforce helps to ensure less sickness and higher productivity.
  • Green travel helps to reduce the cost of significant overheads such as car parking spaces and mileage.
  • Alternatives to car travel are often faster and more efficient during busy times of the day.
  • Sustainable and active travel are often more cost effective for both your employees and your business.
Man and woman cycling at Exeter Science Park

Unlock smarter travel in 3 easy steps

We would encourage you to register on the Travel Devon Toolkit, login to your business profile and follow our 3 easy steps to creating your travel plan:

1. Complete a travel audit

Registering on the Travel Devon Toolkit will give you access to our travel audit tool. This audit will you a good idea of how well your business currently supports sustainable and active travel.

The report generated after submitting your audit, will provide you a clear direction on areas to improve and where to find more guidance.

2. Run a travel survey

Your business profile on the Travel Devon Toolkit gives you access to our ready to use travel survey. This survey will help you discover how your staff currently travel and what is preventing them from making smarter travel choices by running a travel survey.

After you close the survey, simply generate your survey report to view the analysed results.

3. Create a travel plan

Use information from the audit and survey, as well as the resources we offer, to develop an effective travel plan for your organisation.

We have put together a travel plan guide and template to help you create an effective strategy to manage travel to and from your site.

Short on time? Check out our ‘Top 10 Quick and Easy Ways to Smarter Travel’ toolkit.

This website also has lots of travel toolkits and resources available to help make change for your workplace accessible and effective.

Start your journey to smarter travel choices

All businesses in Devon can use the Travel Devon Toolkit for free. This provides exclusive access to our travel audit, travel survey, guidance, templates and more. Simply register your organisation to start your journey to smarter travel choices.

Want to encourage smarter travel to work at your workplace?

Devon County Council can offer support* to organisations who want to enable their staff to travel more sustainably and actively. Please get in touch via for more information.


*Which supporting measures we are able to offer will depend on availability of funding, Covid 19 restrictions and guidelines, as well as the level of engagement and commitment the organisation can provide.



The Travel Devon Toolkit for businesses and Travel Devon business support are part of Devon County Council’s Access Fund Programme, funded by Department for Transport.


This page was last updated March 2021.

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